Latest PCB Industry Trends Going Into 2023

Geospace Technologies Contract & Manufacturing Division

January 27, 2023

You’re looking forward to generating unique finished products this year. And it’s all thanks to the advent of printed circuit board (PCB) assembly.

Research shows that in 2021, the market for PCBs surpassed $75 billion. In addition, it is slated to grow more than 5% from 2022 to 2030.

However, it can be challenging to predict which trends will shape the PCB assembly industry in the future. Fortunately, we’ve created a guide on the latest PCB industry trends in 2023.

Let’s jump in!

PCB Industry Trends Include a Greater Focus on Being Green in PCB Assembly

One of the biggest PCB assembly trends in 2023 is an increased focus on going green. This includes assembling biodegradable PCBs. It also includes making PCB assembly more environmentally friendly.

Some PCBs are utilized in machines designed to last for decades. However, many of these circuit boards eventually end up in landfills.

In light of concerns about the impact these products have on the environment, you can expect more PCBs made with biodegradable materials to be assembled.

These include PCBs developed from biocomposites. These materials are created using various materials, such as wheat gluten and banana stem cellulose fibers. Other biodegradable materials used in PCBs include a polyethylene oxide bonding layer. You can also find PCBs made with sodium carboxymethylcellulose substrates. Tungsten or magnesium paste is also used to create PCBs.

In addition, more eco-friendly operations and processes are being used to assemble PCBs.

For instance, leading PCB assembling companies focus more on analyzing each PCB assembly phase. This is necessary to determine the best measures for controlling pollution.

These phases start with the design phase, then comes line establishment, followed by equipment determination. The final step involves material selection.

When you work with a reputable PCB assembly company, you can expect environmental protection to be at the forefront.

Increased Focus on Responsiveness and Efficiency in PCB Assembly

When it comes to PCB trends in the assembly space, the year 2023 may also see greater responsiveness and efficiency. A greater focus on control and productivity is necessary to achieve this.

The PCB assembler you work with must be flexible and respond rapidly to your needs. Otherwise, you’ll need help maintaining a competitive advantage. After all, you won’t be able to get your products to market as quickly as the competition does.

Given the above, you can expect PCB assemblers to streamline their processes. This will help them better meet their clients’ bespoke requirements in 2023. That means you’ll enjoy speedier service.

The right company will also be able to cater to your customization needs and volume demands. They’ll do this by using high-speed equipment and quality changeover tools.

As a result, they’ll be able to easily adjust circuit boards to suit your unique applications and requirements.

Greater Focus on Boosting Capacity of PCB Assembly

You can also expect a growing focus on increasing PCB assembly capacity through automation in 2023. That’s because automation helps with minimizing errors and brings down labor costs.

Industry-leading PCB assemblers use high-speed and quick-changeover automated lines.

The best PCB assemblers in 2023 will also employ inline automated inspections, including automated optical assessments, for example.

Such inspections can ensure quality and efficiency and can be used along with X-ray inspections and visual inspections.

A top-tier PCB assembler will also work across several shifts. This will allow them to make the most of their capacity and therefore meet their clients’ delivery timeframe demands.

More Focus on the Cost Reduction of PCB Assembly

Finally, you should see an increased focus on lowering costs in the PCB assembly industry in 2023.

Technological developments will translate to progressively higher cost reductions, including greater automation, as we mentioned earlier.

However, PCB assemblers may also reduce costs by utilizing more sources for every component used in the assembly process.

When PCB assemblers have multiple options for their process components, they can compare component costs. Then, they can choose the most cost-effective ones for their needs.

PCB assemblers will also experience more parts availability when they have multiple component sources, which will help them deal with parts shortages more easily. That means you will be able to meet your deadlines.

Additionally, if an assembler’s parts have quality issues, the PCB assembler can simply choose another source right away. This will further save you time.

More PCB assemblers in 2023 might also generate fast-track processes for identifying and qualifying less expensive sources. This will impact the work of component purchasing departments. It will also affect design engineering departments.

For this reason, more PCB assemblers may establish cost reduction committees. Such committees can work with both departments. Together, they can pinpoint the best opportunities to reduce costs between them.

All in all, a reputable provider of PCB assembly services will ensure a smooth assembly experience at a lower cost for you. This will provide you with the affordability you’re looking for and will benefit your bottom line in the long term.

How We Can Help with Assembling a PCB in 2023

The top PCB industry trends include biodegradable and HDI PCBs. You may also witness more quick-turn manufacturing with PCBs as well.

Fortunately, we take pride in offering high-quality PCB assembly services at Geospace Technologies. We consistently evaluate our work. In this way, we can detect even minor imperfections. This allows us to yield increasingly high-quality products that satisfy clients.

We place a strong focus on technology and automation. As a result, we are highly efficient and minimize errors.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services, and receive a quote today!
